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Third Co-Creation Event - Radio ECCA

On  December 21st, 2022, took place the third co-creation event of the MORE project (Multifunctional role of women as a key driver of rural development) organised by partner Radio Ecca. A total of 16 experienced technicians and practitioners participated in this event, which took place online. 

The aim of the event was to evaluate the contents produced. These materials were designed according to the results obtained in a previous research and based on the valuable contributions made in the first and second co-creation events. The aim of this meeting was also to obtain feedback and suggestions for improvement in terms of:

●    The content of the modules,
●    The structure and organisation of the platform, 
●    The learning methodology,
●    The resources and complementary materials for each of the modules.

According to the expert participants the materials are attractive, appropriate and useful for women in isolated or rural areas. In their opinion the modules and their design respond to the needs of women who in these contexts need easy, intuitive and specific materials to broaden their knowledge in certain areas that favour their professional development. The suggestions for improvement made by the technicians and practitioners have been very useful for the consortium as it has allowed us to ensure the quality of the modules and educational materials that we will make available to the beneficiaries. 

Obtain more information about the MORE project:

