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Multifunctional role of women as a key driver for rural development Multiplier event Circle

On 28/10/2023, Circle organised a multiplier event to mainstream, give visibility and valorise the results of the Erasmus+ MORE project, which gathers 8 partners from 6 EU countries with the aim of improving the access to training opportunities for rural EU women.

The event, which took place at Culture center of Stary Kisielin, saw the participation of 15 people, including local stakeholders of the support ecosystem of rural development, gender promotion and female social entrepreneurship and general audience.

Circle discussed with participants about the project background, its objectives, presented analysis of the situation in different EC countries, all activities implemented and achieved results. A brief presentation of the Consortium and partners’ roles and responsibilities in the project followed. 

Circle illustrated the contents of the MORE Community Platform and the functioning of the country hubs and explained the contents of the training courses co-created by all partners. 

The last part of the event was dedicated to a questions and answers session with participants, aimed at promoting the importance of their participation into local and national policies as well as the importance of education products and services in the rural areas.

