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The Mesotopos Women's Agri-Tourist Association

"Nothing happens if we do not dream of it first ... The Mesotopos Women's Agri-Tourist Association was founded in December 1998 with the main focus
The love of delivering and restoring forgotten flavors, aromas, sounds and images into the everyday lives of modern humans has become a driving force in the design of our products. Taking advantage of the fruits of the Lesbian land, in a modern laboratory we revive forgotten flavors. We give them value and offer them, awakening in your memory the scents from the time of grandmothers, when life was sleeping at a more carefree pace.on preparing traditional dishes, and a multitude of activities. Since then, it has managed to satisfy its 36 female members and has become an ever-growing business with a vibrant, creative, forward-looking and highly credible Lesbian market. At the same time, it has engaged the village in the pursuit of regional occupations or activities.We are committed to continue with the same passion, with genuine traditional village recipes, maintaining our quality steady, with respect, appreciation and two-way communication with friends of our products and our cooperative. The equipment of our laboratory is up-to-date and meets all production and quality control requirements. Our products are manufactured without preservatives and are backed by a guarantee."

The Mesotopos Women's Agri-Tourist Association


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