Female entrepreneurship, gender gap, depopulation
This project aims to promote female entrepreneurship by promoting ecosystems that allow the creation of new opportunities in the rural world. With the intention of reducing the gender gap, promoting sustainability and reducing the depopulation of rural areas, this project raises as a priority, intervening in the field of female entrepreneurship and technology in an attempt to achieve a more efficient, creative economic ecosystem and profitable, as well as inclusion and diversity in this context.
Among the actions of the project, the aim is to create a meeting point for women entrepreneurs and business women with the aim of promoting women's business initiatives in rural areas through ICT, promoting digital development, encouraging the involvement of different sectors, and creating physical meeting spaces and virtual dialogues through the creation of rural HUBs. Among the actions of the project are: a diagnosis of female entrepreneurship and the digital gender gap in rural areas, definition of the needs and opportunities of women, creation of co-creation laboratories for the development of HUBs for women entrepreneurs in the delimited rural area, and pilot tests in the different HUBs established in the Andalusian territory.
Related training material
- Best Practice. Laszki Ranch
- Case Study. Erasmus+ Project: WomenPRO
- Case Study. Agribusiness Rosalia D’Ilio