Service-learning, social entrepreneurship, rural communities
The objective of this project is to promote the development of skills and knowledge to promote changes in the rural context.
Through innovative learning teachings such as the service-learning teaching methodology, it is intended to stimulate social entrepreneurship of university teaching staff and rural entities through transnational cooperation between higher education institutions and rural partners. Among the expected results of the project are: to obtain an analysis of the needs detected in the beneficiary group in the eight participating countries (Spain, Portugal, Croatia, Germany, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Austria, Italy), practical cases and good practices in cutting-edge technology of rural education in service-learning, a course in service-learning and social entrepreneurship, and meetings between individuals and groups with the aim of sharing and building knowledge based on their experiences (Hubs).
Related training material
- Co-Creation. CultRural+
- Case Study. Mujer Rural
- Best Practice. Laszki Ranch